Usimi Yemen Sidr Honey

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The all-natural Usimi Sidr Honey that derives from Usimat, an ecologically clean region in the Northern Yemeni Highlands, nestled at 7,000 ft above sea level. The Usimi Sidr Honey comes with a honeycomb which is safe to consume and highly recommendable due to its great concentration of antioxidants.

The quality of our Sidr Honey is guaranteed and sealed with a generous refund policy. We believe that only by selling the best quality, we can succeed in cultivating long-term relationships with our customers. Buy with confidence!


也门 Sidr Honey 是世界上最好的蜂蜜之一。它的精英声誉是通过神圣的 Sidr 树 (Ziziphus spina Christi, L. Willd.) 的独特特征建立起来的。 Sidr 树具有独特的芳香气味,很容易吸引蜜蜂,这些蜜蜂期待在这些树的花冠中享用丰盛的盛宴。花中产生的花蜜非常有效,富含营养价值,有助于蜂蜜的药用价值。 Sidr 树生长在也门的荒凉地区,没有受到化学品、药物和现代机械的影响。蜂蜜是用传统的养蜂方法生产的,这些方法只包括简单的工具,但经过大量的勤奋和保存完好的工艺传给了几代人。

不含杀虫剂、毒素或抗生素的产品。手工制作的原蜜含有重要的酶成分,通过最少的加工和巴氏杀菌保存。蜂蜜具有独特的风味、诱人的气味和无数的健康特性——也门 Sidr 皇家蜂蜜。

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