Yemen Sidr Honey (Hadrami & Usimi)
Get a 500g jar each of our Hadrami and Usimat Mid-Season Yemeni Sidr honey (total of two 500g jars).
Let your taste buds experience the luxurious combo of our long-praised honey varieties. We present you the Sidr Honey from Hadramout and Usimat regions in Yemen.
The Hadrami Sidr Honey has its origin in the fertile valleys of Wadi Do’an, Hadramout in Yemen where the Sidr trees (Ziziphus spina-christi) grow extensively. The numerous thorns on their branches are embraced by a bunch of yellow flowers that contribute greatly to the uniqueness of our Sidr honey, turning it into an exotic, liquid “gold”, known for its potent therapeutic properties.
The other jar in this combo contains the all-natural Usimi Sidr Honey that derives from Usimat, an ecologically clean region in the Northern Yemeni Highlands, nestled at 7,000 ft above sea level. The Usimi Sidr Honey comes with a honeycomb which is safe to consume and highly recommendable due to its great concentration of antioxidants.
Let your taste buds experience the luxurious combo of our long-praised honey varieties. We present you the Sidr Honey from Hadramout and Usimat regions in Yemen.
The Hadrami Sidr Honey has its origin in the fertile valleys of Wadi Do’an, Hadramout in Yemen where the Sidr trees (Ziziphus spina-christi) grow extensively. The numerous thorns on their branches are embraced by a bunch of yellow flowers that contribute greatly to the uniqueness of our Sidr honey, turning it into an exotic, liquid “gold”, known for its potent therapeutic properties.
The other jar in this combo contains the all-natural Usimi Sidr Honey that derives from Usimat, an ecologically clean region in the Northern Yemeni Highlands, nestled at 7,000 ft above sea level. The Usimi Sidr Honey comes with a honeycomb which is safe to consume and highly recommendable due to its great concentration of antioxidants.
Yemeni Sidr Honeyは、世界で最も優れた蜂蜜の1つです。そのエリートの評判は、神聖なシドルの木(Ziziphus spina Christi、L。Willd。)の独特の特徴によって構築されています。シドルの木は独特の芳香の香りがあり、これらの木のフラワーキャップで提供される豊かなごちそうを楽しみにしているミツバチを簡単に引き付けます。花の内部で生成される蜜は非常に強力で、蜂蜜の薬効に寄与する栄養価に満ちています。シドルの木はイエメンの荒涼とした地域で栽培されておらず、化学物質、麻薬、近代的な機械の影響を受けていません。蜂蜜は、シンプルな道具だけでなく、多くの勤勉さと保存状態の良い工芸品が何世代にもわたって受け継がれている伝統的な養蜂方法で生産されています。
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