Usimi Yemeni Sidr Honey with Honeycomb - Yemen Sidr
Usimi Yemeni Sidr Honey with Honeycomb - Yemen Sidr
Usimi Yemeni Sidr Honey with Honeycomb - Yemen Sidr
Usimi Yemeni Sidr Honey with Honeycomb - Yemen Sidr

USIMI 也门 SIDR 蜂蜜带蜂窝

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尺寸 500克

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Usimi Yemeni Sidr Honey 证明了大自然的恩惠!这种纯天然的蜜蜂奢侈品来自也门北部高地生态清洁地区 Usimat,坐落在海拔 7,000 英尺的地方。这种蜂蜜的高品质是由大量的 Sidr 树提供的,这些花将蜂蜜变成了一种独特的液体“黄金”,以其有效的治疗特性而闻名。我们的 Usimi Sidr 蜂蜜含有蜂巢块,可安全食用,并且由于其高浓度的抗氧化剂而值得推荐。

This rare, royal Sidr honey is coming to you from our beekeepers and their beehives in Usimat, near the capital Sana'a. This is a high elevation region, with plains filled with the Sidr tress and surrounded by high mountains, making it one of the best places in Yemen for producing premium monofloral Sidr honey.

This original Sidr honey jar was harvested during the brief winter season that occurs only once a year, when the Sidr tree’s flowers are blooming and rest of the plants don't. It is the season when Sidr honey gets produced in its best monofloral form!

The quality of our Sidr Honey is guaranteed and sealed with a generous refund policy. We believe that only by selling the best quality, we can succeed in cultivating long-term relationships with our customers. Buy with confidence!

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也门 Sidr Honey 是世界上最好的蜂蜜之一。它的精英声誉是通过神圣的 Sidr 树 (Ziziphus spina Christi, L. Willd.) 的独特特征建立起来的。 Sidr 树具有独特的芳香气味,很容易吸引蜜蜂,这些蜜蜂期待在这些树的花冠中享用丰盛的盛宴。花中产生的花蜜非常有效,富含营养价值,有助于蜂蜜的药用价值。 Sidr 树生长在也门的荒凉地区,没有受到化学品、药物和现代机械的影响。蜂蜜是用传统的养蜂方法生产的,这些方法只包括简单的工具,但经过大量的勤奋和保存完好的工艺传给了几代人。

不含杀虫剂、毒素或抗生素的产品。手工制作的原蜜含有重要的酶成分,通过最少的加工和巴氏杀菌保存。蜂蜜具有独特的风味、诱人的气味和无数的健康特性——也门 Sidr 皇家蜂蜜。

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