Wholesale Limited Offer

Hadrami Sidr - Bulk Deal - Yemen Sidr


$625.95 Sale Save
storlek 500 g
Package 5 Jars

Planterad av naturen och samlad av händerna på våra flitiga, nomadiska biodlare. Vi presenterar vår Mid-Season Yemen Sidr Honey, en ambrosial raritet! Denna dyrbara biglädje har sitt ursprung i de bördiga dalarna i Wadi Do’an, Hadramout i Jemen där Sidr-träden (Ziziphus spina-christi) växer. De många taggarna på deras grenar omfamnas av ett gäng gula blommor som i hög grad bidrar till det unika hos vår Sidr-honung och förvandlar den till ett exotiskt, flytande "guld", känt för sina potenta terapeutiska egenskaper.

This original Sidr honey jar was harvested during the brief winter season that occurs only once a year, when the Sidr tree’s flowers are blooming and rest of the plants don't. It is the season when Sidr honey gets produced in its best monofloral form!

This rare, royal Sidr honey is coming to you from our beekeepers and their beehives in Hadramout, Wadi Do'an and its surrounding valleys to be more specific. In this region, Sidr trees grown in seclusion, allowing for the production of this premium monofloral Sidr honey.


Wadi Do'an, Hadramout, Yemen

Every year, thousands of semi nomadic beekeepers gather at the Wadi Do’an (Do’an Valley), the birthplace of the Yemeni honey, in the Hadramout desert, Yemen.

What @akramcooks Says about our Honey

After trying our Sidr honey through his friend, Akram Said, the famous Yemeni Chef, reached out to us to conduct his genuine none-affiliated review of our product! Here were his words :)

Hear it from our customers

"Purest, clearest, cleanest honey I’ve ever tasted. With an unmistakably unique aroma. Magnificent. A rare bacteria led me to this honey.. I am recovering well with right diagnosis and meds too of course."